Indow Soundproof Windows Reviews


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Indow Soundproof Windows Reviews

Explore Indow soundproof windows reviews from homeowners, installers and contractors who have used the Indow windows acoustic model and can shed light on its effectiveness and the costs involved with this insert.

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Our Indow Windows Acoustic Review

Indow is a company out of Oregon that makes a new type of replacement window insert. They market seven different products, all of which are subtle offshoots of their standard insert. The big positive on using an interior insert window is the price; for instance, Milgard Quiet Line cost is going to be something in the neighborhood of 6x to 8x that of the Indow Acoustic model.

The other nice feature is that you keep your existing windows intact, which assumes that you are fine with the overall window aesthetic on the outside and they are providing some degree of energy efficiency and sound control. This is especially important if you live in an historical home or simply want to preserve the overall look of the home, but improve the soundproofing aspects of the windows.

Indow has comes up with a pretty interesting take on "storm window" or inserts. Instead of a hard, unflexible frame, they use a compression tubing on the outside that form fits to any opening. They get the exact measurements by laser shooting each opening and then custom making the inserts for that particular sized opening. This is a great feature for older homes especially, where the openings might not be completely square (insuring a much better fit.) Once the insert is placed snugly into the opening, it is virtually unnoticeable as an insert - it looks like its part of the window unit.

According to Indow, their standard window insert reduces noise by up to 50% from just having a single pane window in your existing opening. Their Acoustic insert reduces outside noise by 70% over just using a single pane window (again this is the company's claim). This claim is probably true given the fact that the more space between panes, the more sound control you will get. In fact, this is the most effective way to increase the noise reduction and the space between the window panes should be adequate with the Acoustic insert.

There are downsides to the Indow soundproof window insert to be sure. The first is being able to open the window to get circulation going. Indow says that it is quite easy to remove and replace their inserts, but its unclear whether frequent use could lower the sound control properties. The Indow windows warranty is not going to be anywhere near as strong as a vinyl replacement window - the Indow version covers the product for 5 years, instead of the typical limited lifetime warranty from other companies.

Tom - Site Editor - from 2015

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